New space for dialogue with the main representatives from trade unions and business organisations
A new space has been created for ongoing dialogue with the main representatives from trade unions and business organisations: the Social Dialogue Board. The participants will be representatives from the municipal government, the trade unions of CCOO and the UGT, and the business organisations Foment de Treball and PIMEC. The goal of the board is to jointly tackle some of the main challenges facing the city.
Some of the main challenges to be addressed by the new Social Dialogue Board are the promotion and diversification of economic productivity, the promotion of quality jobs, the fight against labour precariousness, the generation and retention of talent, the promotion of enterprise, digitalisation, guaranteeing the right to housing, sustainable mobility, the energy transition and social inclusion.
The board is headed by the Mayor, the Councillors for economy and Economic and Social Promotion, the chairs of Foment de Treball and the PIMEC, and the secretary generals of the CCOO and the UGT. A monitoring commission is also being set up with representatives from each of the participating organisations and the City Council to take care of day-to-day matters relating to the areas covered. The members of this commission and the working groups providing support will draft the working regulations for the new board within six months and produce a map for the city’s various areas of social dialogue, participation and representation to engage with the board.