Endolla Barcelona reaches 1,000 recharging points
Endolla Barcelona, the electromobility network operated by Barcelona de Serveis Municipals (BSM), now has 1,000 recharging points in the city. Last year saw 289 points added to the network, which as a whole recorded 142,862 recharges, some 33% more than in 2022.

Conventional vehicle parked with an electric vehicle in the background. Author: Martí Petit
The number of people using the service also increased, with 12,521 new registered users bringing the overall number to 28,000 users.
Endolla Barcelona also opened up its services to the customers of five new electromobility operators in 2023: Bosch, Zunder, Wenea, Efimob and Spirii. These come in addition to the other five which joined the previous year (Electromaps, Etecnic, Iberdrola, Place to Plug and Shell Recharge Solutions).
In all, the Endolla Barcelona electromobility network supplied 1,635,580 kWh last year, an increase of 44% compared to the previous year. Endolla Barcelona is currently the largest public electromobility network in the Spanish state, with 15.7 recharging points for public use per square kilometre and one for every 25 electric vehicles.