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Carrer Gran de Gràcia, 74 and 76

Download date: 21/03/2025


One of the most characteristic constructions in all of C/ Gran de Gràcia is the cylindrical gallery crowned with a small cupola covered in scales at number 74.

  • Cultural heritage

Standing on the corner of Carrer Gran de Gràcia and Travessera de Gràcia, one of the busiest areas, being on the crossroads of two major roads, of one of the most characteristic buildings in the neighbourhood. We do not know who designed it, however, and the construction date is not at all clear, although we can place it somewhere near the end of the 19th century. The Catalan Art Nouveau stained-glass windows and sgraffiti are not echoed in the architectural plan, which is spoiled by formal habits of local architects accustomed to building hastily in a Gràcia that was growing and demanding new housing more quickly than it could be built.

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Location and contact

Carrer Gran de Gràcia, 74 and 76

C Gran de Gràcia, 74*76
la Vila de Gràcia

Timetable and prices


D'autor desconegut, aquest gran edifici d'habitatges de quatre plantes pis és una de les construccions més característiques de tot el carrer Gran, sobretot amb la seva prominent i translúcida tribuna angular, un cos cilíndric que abasta totes les plantes i es corona amb un petit cupulí cobert d'escates.

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