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Rec Comtal - Molí de Sant Andreu

Download date: 07/03/2025


A building plot on C/ Fernando Pessoa preserves remains of the Rec Comtal, a canal that supplied water mills like Sant Andreu's and which dates from the 11th century.

  • Cultural heritage

It was around the 11th century that Barcelona’s rulers started the construction project for the Rec Comtal, a large canal that collected water from a floodgate in the Besòs river. Unlike drinking which came from wells, waterwheels and tanks, water from the Rec was used for flour mills, crops and crafts. The section of the Rec Comtal which can be seen in Sant Andreu lies very close to the remains of the only medieval mill still standing in the district. It is a water mill from the 13th century, which was powered by water from the Rec Comtal. It stood right beside the old road leading to Santa Coloma de Gramenet and remained in operation until the mid-17th century. You can still see the Santa Coloma bridge near the mill, which crossed the Rec Comtal.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Rec Comtal - Molí de Sant Andreu

C Andana de l'Estació, 22*24
Sant Andreu
Sant Andreu


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