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Mar Bella water sports centre

Download date: 21/03/2025

With the aim of promoting a culture of beach and water sports, the Mar Bella water sports centre (Base Nàutica de la Mar Bella) offers courses, equipment and a large number of activities related to the sea.
  • Free time and leisure

The sea for all

Recreational sailing, in any of its forms, is a pleasure that can almost become an addiction and is associated with strong feelings of freedom and adventure. Whether kayaking on your own or setting sail on the Icària – the centre’s impressive flagship racing sailboat – the adventure of the sea has a powerful effect. Beach activities such as volleyball competitions also take place at the water sports centre, where the facilities include a restaurant with terrace right on the beach, open to all.

Enjoying the sea safely

Avoiding risks when sailing is essential. For this reason, the Mar Bella water sports centre specialises in water sports training and education and is certified as a sea school by the Government of Catalonia. The centre runs courses leading to various nautical qualifications, such as the yacht or pleasure-boat skipper’s certificates, as well as training in the basic skills for sailing a catamaran, cruiser or kayak, windsurfing, etc. The school offers training in different kinds of water sports to both children and adults, as well as transmitting a love for the sea without neglecting the importance of safety and risk prevention when sailing.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Mar Bella water sports centre

Pg Marítim del Bogatell, 102
Sant Martí
Diagonal Mar i el Front Marítim del Poblenou

Timetable and prices


Es troba a l'espigó de la Mar Bella, a la banda de la Platja delBogatell. Al costat del Complex Esportiu Municipal Mar Bella.

Escola homologada per la Generalitat. Fan cursos per obtenir el títol de Patró d'Iot, d'Embarcacions d'Esbarjo i de Navegació Bàsica a banda dels de Catamarà, Creuer, Windsurf, Caiac i Patí Català.Entitat gestora: Serveis Nàutics Naviter, sl

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