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Can Culleretes

Download date: 21/03/2025


Opened in 1786, Can Culleretes is the second-oldest restaurant in Spain and the oldest in Catalonia.

  • Cultural heritage


Can Culleretes was a success story from the day the first owner began to serve meals. She was the doorkeeper of a nearby convent, outside the walls, close to Plaça de Sant Jaume. This lady began to serve her drinks and meals through a window. She produced a home-made mató, a kind of cottage cheese, that was said to be delicious. It was a resounding success: she left the her position at the convent to open a restaurant in Carrer d’en Quintana. There are many stories about where the name originated: some people say it comes from the fact that it was the first place to use metal spoons, but others claim it was the cry of the waiter continually shouting for spoons to serve the ten diners who just fit inside the restaurant.

Cannelloni and home-made desserts

The restaurant still preserves some tiles from the late eighteenth century and is today an establishment recognised for the excellence of its dishes such as cannelloni and home-made desserts.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Can Culleretes

C Quintana, 5
Ciutat Vella
el Barri Gòtic

Timetable and prices


Edifici de planta baixa d'ús comercial, entresòl i quatre plantes pis amb habitatges, bastit en un solar entre mitgeres, de reduïdes dimensions, a mitjan segle XIX.

- A la planta baixa i l'entresòl, agrupades amb una obertura central amb arc de mig punt, amb dues pilastres laterals, es situa lel restaurant Can Culleretes.- Per sobre, pilastres de dues plantes d'alçada, amb capitells jònics i medallons de terra cuita, que ressegueixen l'alçat fins a una senzilla cornisa per sobre de la qual hi ha la darrera planta i el coronament amb permòdols decorats.

De la reforma realitzada cap el 1890 per transformar la cremeria existent en restaurant, es conserven tres grans pintures murals, obra de Francisco Tey, que evoquen l'ambient de mitjan segle XIX, malgrat que foren realitzades a principi del segle XX, i uns arrambadors de ceràmica de Xavier Nogués parcialment desapareguts.

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