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Casa de la Marina

Download date: 21/11/2024


The Barceloneta apartment building, or Casa de la Marina, was built between 1953 and 1954 and is one of the best examples of rationalist architecture in Barcelona.

  • Cultural heritage

The birth of contemporary architecture

Casa Marina is a benchmark in Catalan social and rationalist architecture. Its construction quality, the way it takes advantage of light and is integrated into the environment, as well as other aspects, make this an exceptional building and since 2003 it has been protected as a Cultural Asset of National Interest.

An architect going against the flow

Josep Antoni Coderch (1913-1984) was a unique architect. His work was far ahead of its time, very modern and yet very respectful towards local building traditions.He came to fame in 1952, with the resounding success of the pavilion he designed for the 9th Triennial of Milan. He was also a member of Team 10, the renowned international group of architects who set the tone of western architecture in the second half of the twentieth century.In fact, Coderch is considered by many experts to be the true driving force behind the renaissance of Spanish architecture in the post-war period.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Casa de la Marina

Pg Joan Borbó Comte Barcelona, 42*43
Ciutat Vella
la Barceloneta

Timetable and prices


El primer treball d'habitatge plurifamiliar urbà dels arquitectes Coderch i Valls dóna com a resultat una peça espectacular de gran innovació que va merèixer un gran reconeixement internacional i que inclús avui continua essent un exemple poques vegades igualat. De planta baixa, sis plantes pis i àtic, l'edifici es caracteritza a nivell de façana per la inexistència de forats que apareixen substituïts per àmplies lames fixes que els cobreixen completament, tot combinant amb superfícies, que remarquen la verticalitat, de ceràmica vidriada de característic color siena, tot trencant el gran ràfec recobert de fusta que es converteix en la sortida de les xemeneies llevat d'aquells paraments que, a l'interior, guarden els armaris. La planta és totalment irregular per tal d'aprofitar al màxim l'espai i eliminar zones de trànsit .

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