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Casa Ramos

Download date: 20/02/2025


Casa Ramos, which has been declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest, is a grand building, with some unusual shapes and decoration that are designed to impress.

  • Cultural heritage

The six-storey high Casa Ramos stood out in a landscape of simple three-storey houses. By 1906, the town of Gràcia had been annexed to Barcelona, and Eugeni d’Ors called the new style Noucentista. Jaume Torres’ design was looking forward to the future, while accepting the Catalan Art Nouveau legacy.
The lively pattern of flowers and bees, in contrast to the neo-Medieval gallery, captivated Pedro Almodóvar, who chose the building to be one of the locations for his film All About My Mother.
The garden behind it has a lovely Catalan Art Nouveau pavilion and a large three-armed wrought-iron lamppost.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Casa Ramos

Pl Lesseps, 30*32
Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
el Putxet i el Farró

Timetable and prices


Flors i abelles formen l'estampat –en tons groguens– de gran personalitat d'aquest edifici que va ser escollit pel director Pedro Almodóvar com a escenari per al rodatge de la pel·lícula "Todo sobre mi madre".

Va ser la llar de l'empresari navilier Ricard Ramos fins que la família va marxar a viure a Mallorca en esclatar la Guerra Civil espanyola.

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