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Mas Guinardó Associations Centre
Download date: 07/03/2025

Aimed at supporting associations, groups and residents, the Mas Guinardó Associations Centre works to promote social life and the associations network in the neighbourhood.
Free time and leisure
- Accessibility
- Accessible for people with physical disabilities
What it does
Close to forty associations are affiliated to the centre, ranging from solidarity, cultural, folk, women and sports to elderly people, health and people with functional diversity. They all enjoy support from the Centre, which provides them with spaces, equipment and advice. It also provides courses and meetings of Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs) and activities revolving around urban allotments.
On sieges and bandits
The Mas Guinardó centre is a historical building. It was the setting of Barcelona’s surrender during the Catalan Revolt in 1652 and defeat following the city’s siege in 1714, during the War of the Spanish Succession, after which it housed the high command of the Bourbon troops. The bandit Perot Rocaguinarda is also said to have lived there. It was taken over by the Guinardó Owners and Residents Association in 1906 and has been the Centre’s headquarters since 2011.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Mas Guinardó Associations Centre
- Address:
- Plaça de Salvador Riera, 2
- Districte:
- Horta-Guinardó
- Neighborhood:
- el Guinardó
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 93 446 14 29 (Tel.)
- Links
- Web:
- Email:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Period | Dies | Hores | |
Del 2 setembre al 29 juliol | De dilluns a divendres | de 09.30 h a 21.30 h | |
Dissabte | de 10.00 h a 15.00 h | ||
Del 30 juliol a l'1 setembre | Tots els dies tancat | Tancat |
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When: From 17/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
Exposició “Ocells del nostre entorn"
When: From 01/04/2025 to 30/04/2025
Inauguració de l´exposició “Ocells del nostre entorn"
When: 03/04/2025
Pòdcast en femení, per la gent gran activa del guinardó
When: 26/03/2025
Taller 'Biodansa'
When: From 25/01/2025 to 22/03/2025
Exposició "Objectiu dona: Luces en mis sombras"
When: From 02/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
Taller 'Pintura i dibuix'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Exposició 'Terres i trames'
When: From 07/03/2025 to 29/03/2025
Exposició 'Geganteres del Guinardó'
When: From 03/03/2025 to 31/03/2025
Taller 'Pilates'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Asserena la teva ment: explora emocions amb el dibuix'
When: 17/03/2025
Xerrada "Jaume Bachs, un cantant d'òpera al barri"
When: 19/03/2025
Taller 'Compres segures, pagaments i tràmits en línia'
When: 19/03/2025
Projeccions 'Objector'
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Taller d'electricitat bàsica i domèstica
When: From 17/02/2025 to 28/04/2025
Exposició “Forats"
When: From 03/03/2025 to 30/03/2025
Taller 'Mobles vells com nous'
When: 25/03/2025
Taller 'Mini segells personalitzats'
When: 02/04/2025
Discover other related points of interest
Ronda del Guinardó 113 - 133
C Marina 372*382
Carrer del Rosselló 515