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Casa del Rellotge
Download date: 07/03/2025

This old textile factory dating back to 1855 is part of the La Marina neighbourhood's industrial past but for the last 30 years it has been the Casa del Rellotge Civic Centre.
Free time and leisure
- Accessibility
- Accessible for people with physical disabilities
30 years as a civic centre
Open Mondays to Fridays, from 10 am to 9.30 pm, this old textile printing factory which also manufactured household items (the famous Can Farrero) became a public centre in 1984. And it has been a meeting point, a leisure centre and a learning centre for La Marina residents ever since. It was joined by the Pepita Casanellas Centre in 2007, with which it works in tandem.
What goes on at the Casa del Rellotge?
The Casa del Rellotge has four lines of action: spreading popular culture, which includes everything to do with traditional forms of expression in the neighbourhood; supporting creation, which focuses on obtaining resources for fine art, music and theatre productions, or production in any other artistic field; education and training aimed at everyone, through budget-priced courses and, finally, supporting local neighbourhood groups and associations.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Casa del Rellotge
- Address:
- Passeig de la Zona Franca, 116
- Districte:
- Sants-Montjuïc
- Neighborhood:
- la Marina de Port
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 934322489 (Tel.)
- 934317868 (Fax)
- Links
- Web:
Timetable and prices
Period | Dies | Hores | |
De l'1 setembre al 31 juliol | De dilluns a divendres excepte 24 desembre i 31 desembre | de 09.30 h a 14.00 h i de 16.00 h a 21.00 h |
24 desembre i 31 desembre |
de 09.30 h a 14.00 h | ||
Estiu 2024 De l'1 agost al 31 agost |
Tots els dies | Tancat |
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Exposició "Joc de miralls"
When: From 01/04/2025 to 25/04/2025
Taller 'Ganxet'
When: From 16/04/2025 to 11/06/2025
Taller 'Coneix la teva càmera: iniciació a la fotografia'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 12/03/2025
Taller 'Espatlla sana' *NOU*
When: From 15/01/2025 to 12/03/2025
Xerrada ''Menopausa des d´un punt de vista fisiològic i emocional"
When: 24/04/2025
Taller 'Ganxet'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 12/03/2025
Taller 'Pilates'
When: From 17/04/2025 to 12/06/2025
Taller 'Conversa en anglès'
When: From 20/01/2025 to 10/03/2025
Taller 'Hatha Ioga'
When: From 15/04/2025 to 10/06/2025
Taller 'Pilates'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 13/03/2025
Taller 'Txi-kung shibashi'
When: From 23/04/2025 to 11/06/2025
Itinerari cultural "Ruta Barcelona Trans"
When: 14/03/2025
Taller 'Hatha Ioga'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 11/03/2025
Taller 'Ioga en família'
When: 28/04/2025
Exposició "Concurs de murals de Sant Jordi"
When: From 23/04/2025 to 30/04/2025
Taller 'Estiraments i hipopressius'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 13/03/2025
Taller 'Coneix la teva càmera: iniciació a la fotografia'
When: From 16/04/2025 to 11/06/2025
Taller 'Pintura'
When: From 15/04/2025 to 13/06/2025
Taller 'Gimnàstica de manteniment'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 11/03/2025
Taller 'Tai-Txi'
When: From 17/04/2025 to 12/06/2025
Taller 'Ceràmica'
When: From 16/04/2025 to 12/06/2025
Itinerari cultural "600 – Motor de llibertat"
When: 25/04/2025
Taller 'Gimnàstica de manteniment'
When: From 15/04/2025 to 10/06/2025
Taller 'Estiraments i hipopressius'
When: From 17/04/2025 to 12/06/2025
Col·laboració 'Atelier de pintura'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Exposició "Perspectives: La mirada de l´estudiant"
When: From 08/05/2025 to 30/05/2025
Exposició "Comunitat i art"
When: From 05/06/2025 to 27/06/2025
Taller 'Iniciació al laboratori b/n i color'
When: From 16/04/2025 to 11/06/2025
Cicle de xerrades amb el Centre d'Atenció Integral de la Marina
When: From 30/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Col·laboració 'Ceràmica'
When: From 27/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
Taller 'Brodat creatiu' *NOU*
When: From 14/01/2025 to 11/03/2025
Taller 'Txi-kung shibashi'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 12/03/2025
Taller 'Amigurumi'
When: From 17/04/2025 to 12/06/2025
Espectacle “El testament"
When: 25/04/2025
Teatre "Petit Vermell"
When: 21/03/2025
Projecció "Dúnia i l’eco del tambor"
When: 23/03/2025
Espectacle "Yukali" a càrrec de Alba Sarraute & Cia
When: 28/03/2025
Taller 'Ceràmica'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 13/03/2025
Taller 'Iniciació al laboratori b/n i color'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 12/03/2025
Taller 'Dansa contact'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 10/03/2025
Exposició 'MAF: Mostra d'Artivisme Feminista'
When: From 06/03/2025 to 28/03/2025
Itinerari cultural "Rareses de Ciutat Vella"
When: 16/05/2025
Itinerari cultural 'Ruta Barcelona trans'
When: 14/03/2025
Xerrada ''Sexualitat en la menopausa"
When: 19/06/2025
Taller 'Pintura'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 14/03/2025
Taller 'Mindfulness i més'
When: From 17/01/2025 to 14/03/2025
Taller 'Benvinguda primavera: Decorem el centre'
When: 17/03/2025
Xerrada ''Hàbits: Alimentació i fisio"
When: 22/05/2025
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