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Casinet d’Hostafrancs
Download date: 07/03/2025

This civic centre in Parc de l’Espanya Industrial plays a very important role in boosting the cultural and social life of the Hostafrancs neighbourhood.
Free time and leisure
- Accessibility
- Accessible for people with physical disabilities
A centre of culture and learning
The Casinet is a good place for learning something new, such as IT, needlework, tap-dancing, illustration, gardening or chess. They organise kids’ activities too, such as the Children’s Shows Cycle, while young people are invited to take part in the annual youth art competition. It is also a place to enjoy dancing, either attending the classes they teach, the shows they organise or Barcelona Summer Dance, an annual festival that brings together professionals and amateurs from around the world.
Multipurpose spaces at the service of everyone
The Casinet has a theatre and multipurpose rooms available for associations and individuals and, thanks to being jointly run by Barcelona City Council and the Secretariat of the Sants, Hostafrancs and La Bordeta Neighbourhood Associations, it has become a very important centre in the district. It is open Mondays to Fridays, from 10 am to 9.30 pm.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Casinet d’Hostafrancs
- Address:
- Carrer del Rector Triadó, 53
- Districte:
- Sants-Montjuïc
- Neighborhood:
- Hostafrancs
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 934230440 (Tel.)
- 932892093 (Fax)
- Links
- Web:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Period | Dies | Hores | |
De l'1 setembre al 31 juliol | De dilluns a divendres excepte 24 desembre i 31 desembre | de 09.00 h a 14.30 h i de 16.00 h a 21.30 h |
24 desembre i 31 desembre |
de 09.00 h a 14.00 h | ||
Dissabte | de 09.30 h a 14.30 h i de 16.30 h a 21.30 h |
Estiu 2024: De l'1 agost al 31 agost |
Tots els dies tancat | Tancat |
Taller 'Line Dance - ball country' Nivell 0
When: From 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Dansa clàssica intermedi (d'11 a 15 anys)'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Txi-kung'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Tai-txi'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Tai-txi Txi Kung'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Correcció postural'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Tai-txi Txi Kung' 2n nivell
When: From 16/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Escacs infantil competició (de 9 a 16 anys)'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Balls per a gent gran a Sants - Montjuïc (gener - març)
When: From 14/01/2025 to 25/03/2025
Taller 'Ioga'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Skate' (fins a 14 anys)
When: From 18/01/2025 to 22/03/2025
Taller 'Latin dance'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Arqueologia: Grans descobertes arqueològiques del segle XXI'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 13/03/2025
Taller 'Ioga Nidra'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Joies de vidre'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Còmic i manga (de 8 a 14 anys)'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Pintura experimental: procediments'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Italià nivell (B2)'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Gimnàstica de manteniment'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Espectacles infantils al Casinet d'Hostafrancs
When: From 26/01/2025 to 11/05/2025
Taller 'Ioga suau'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Vitralls i làmpades Tiffany'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Modelisme: Tècniques del modelisme naval'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Dansa clàssica avançada (12 a adult)'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Escacs adults iniciació'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Escacs adults nivell alt'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Costura bàsica i patronatge'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Vine a pintar' (de 5 a 8 anys)
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Anglès conversa intermèdia'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'La maternitat en l'art: mare, casta i mestressa de casa' *NOU*
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Swing jazz solo'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Aeroritmes'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Dibuix i pintura'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Italià nivell (A2)'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
"Barnasants" 30è Festival de Cançó d'Autor de Barcelona
When: From 24/01/2025 to 01/06/2025
Taller 'Pilates-Dance'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Capoeira'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 22/03/2025
Taller "Patchwork"
When: From 13/01/2025 to 27/03/2025
Taller 'Streaching (Estiraments)'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Italià nivell (A1)'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Escacs adults nivell mig'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Ball saló' (cal parella)
When: From 13/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Escacs infantil iniciació (de 5 a 9 anys)'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Balls llatins' (no cal parella) Nivell 2
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Dance Groove & Move'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Anglès intermediate (A2- B2)'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Balls llatins' (no cal parella) Nivell 1
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Swing Lindy Hop' (cal parella)
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Anglès Elementary (A2.1-A2.2)'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Marxa nòrdica'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Defensa personal per a dones'
When: From 17/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Italià nivell (B1)'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Taller 'Dancehall'
When: From 14/01/2025 to 18/03/2025
Taller 'Dibuix: La figura humana'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Swing Slow / Swing a partir dels 60'
When: From 15/01/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Dansa clàssica infantil (de 6 a 10 anys)'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Escacs infantil iniciació (de 9 a 16 anys)'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Concert "Nova Cançó i censura"
When: 27/04/2025
Exposició 'ART I DONA – Violència Vicaria' a càrrec del Col·lectiu d’artistes de Sants
When: From 18/02/2025 to 09/03/2025
Taller 'Dansa clàssica infantil (de 5 a 7 anys)'
When: From 17/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Cicle Temporals 2025-2026
When: From 11/01/2025 to 30/07/2026
Taller 'Les muses. Mites, bellesa i arqueologia en el món antic' *NOU*
When: From 16/01/2025 to 13/03/2025
Taller 'Arqueologia de l'Amazònia. El passat ocult de la selva tropical'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 13/03/2025
Taller 'Dansa clàssica infantil (de 7 a 10 anys)'
When: From 13/01/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Dibuix: Iniciació al dibuix'
When: From 16/01/2025 to 20/03/2025
Concert "Raúl Rodríguez: 30 anys a la frontera"
When: 11/05/2025
Discover other related points of interest
Carrer de Sants 79*83
G.V. Corts Catalanes 247
C Comte d'Urgell 145