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La Farinera del Clot
Download date: 21/01/2025
The Centre Cultural La Farinera del Clot is an old flour mill that today has been turned into a district, as well as a city, social and cultural facility open to everyone.
Cultural heritage
- Accessibility
- Accessible for people with physical disabilities
Culture as a revitalising agent
Along with the Espai Antoni Miró Peris neighbourhood centre, La Farinera is run by the Federació d’Entitats del Clot-Camp de l’Arpa association federation. All kinds of events and activities are held there, including courses, talks, exhibitions, book presentations, history classes, competitions, theatrical performances and concerts. With rooms for public use as well, it is a centre that is revitalising the neighbourhood.
The city’s biggest flour mill
La Farinera del Clot is a brick complex that dates from the middle of the 19th century. It consists of two buildings used for making and storing flour and was once one of the country’s major flour mills. The style is Modernista and it is protected as a Cultural Asset of Local Interest. The renovation in 1995 added some modern features that have respected and enhanced the site as a whole.
Location and contact
Location and contact
La Farinera del Clot
- Address:
- Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 837
- Districte:
- Sant Martí
- Neighborhood:
- el Clot
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 932918080 (Tel.)
- Links
- Web:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Period | Dies | Hores | |
De l'1 setembre al 28 juliol | De dilluns a divendres | de 09.00 h a 22.00 h | |
Dissabte | de 10:00 h a 14:00 h i de 16:00 h a 20:00 h |
Estiu 2024 Del 29 juliol al 31 agost |
Tots els dies tancat | Tancat |
Més que muses - 13è Cicle de Dones Creadores
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Taller 'Mindfulness'
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Taller 'Teatre de text'
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Concert 'Lucille'
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Teatre familiar 'Hai, la pescadora de de somnis'
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Concert 'Aravilo'
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Taller 'Ioga postpart amb nadons'
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Concert 'Mima'
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Concert familiar 'Peti qui peti'
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Taller 'Castanyoles'
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Espectacle 'SOS'
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Taller 'Teatre'
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Cicle Temporals 2025-2026
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Discover other related points of interest
Av Diagonal 209*211
C Roc Boronat 150
Carrer de la Ciutat de Granada 108 - 116