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Centre Cultural La Violeta
Download date: 07/03/2025

This neoclassical house, located between Carrer de Maspons and Carrer de Sant Joaquim, now houses the La Violeta Cultural Centre.
Free time and leisure
A historical meeting point in Gràcia
La Violeta de Gràcia is a building dating back to 1893, designed by the architecture Jaume Gustà i Bondia. It has been a meeting point for the neighbourhood’s local residents ever since it was built, having formerly been a café salon, a billiards hall, a dance hall and a casino. Now run by several of Gràcia’s popular culture associations, it offers a welcoming cafeteria but devotes its space to organising cultural activities. The geganters (giant carriers), trabucaires (blunderbuss-wielding bandits), bastoners (stick dancers]), La Vella de Gràcia castellers (human-tower group) and the Esbart Lluís Millet dansaires (folk dancers), among other groups, are all based here. It also has a space for older people.
Lots of activity
The centre organises chats, talks, concerts and exhibitions and offers workshops of every kind, not always connected to popular culture. They range from yoga for kids, pattern designing and dressmaking, to music IT and beginner’s lessons for ball de bot, a traditional Balearic island dance. It also has rooms for rent and two soundproof rehearsal spaces.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Centre Cultural La Violeta
- Address:
- C Maspons, 6
- Districte:
- Gràcia
- Neighborhood:
- la Vila de Gràcia
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 937060881 (Tel.)
- Links
- Web:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Dies | Hores | ||
De dilluns a divendres excepte festius | de 09:00 h a 13:00 h i de 16:00 h a 23:00 h |
dissabtes i diumenges | de 10:00 h a 23:00 h |
Taller de dansa i literatura per a famílies
When: 16/03/2025
Exposició 'Paraules que escolten' de la creadora Aina Soler
When: From 03/03/2025 to 30/03/2025
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Carrer Gran de Gràcia 190-192
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