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Colònia Carné
Download date: 07/03/2025

Les Corts is a district with a rich industrial past. The creation of factories in the 19th and 20th centuries gave rise to industrial colonies such as Colónia Carné.
Urban spaces
Four small quiet passages start at the pavement of Avinguda de Sant Ramon Nonat on the Besòs side, and finish at Carrer Danubi, next to the wall surrounding the old Carné factory. Three of them are full of little houses similar to the ones in Passatge de Xile, although they were built a bit earlier (1928-1932). The houses in the small industrial colony are located along narrow and elongated plots of land. The colony was designed by Modest Feu. As with Passatge de Xile, the façades are crowned with the year of building or a name chosen by their owner. Some of them have the same decorative elements as the factory has on its perimeter walls in C/ Danubi.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Colònia Carné
- Address:
- Av Sant Ramon Nonat, 22
- Districte:
- Les Corts
- Neighborhood:
- la Maternitat i Sant Ramon
- City:
- Barcelona
Timetable and prices
Ubicat a l'avinguda de Sant Ramon Nonat, aquest complex de casetes semblants a les del passatge de Xile són obra de Modest Feu.
De la vorera de l'avinguda de Sant Ramon Nonat que dóna al costat Besòs surten quatre petits i tranquils passatges que moren al carrer Danubi, al mur perimetral de l'antiga fàbrica Carné.
Tres d'aquests passatges són plens de casetes semblants a les del passatge de Xile tot i que una mica anteriors (1928 – 1932). Els habitatges de la petita colònia industrial ocupen uns solars estrets i allargats i l'autoria recau també en Modest Feu.
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Ptge Xile 1
Av Xile 29
Avinguda de Joan XXIII 3*15