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Small houses

Download date: 20/02/2025


Gràcia’s torretes date from the end of the 19th and start of the 20th centuries. They are an example of the family dwellings that typified the period of the area’s growth.

  • Cultural heritage

Little by little, the farmhouses fell into disuse and their fields were urbanised. At the end of the 19th century, Gràcia was growing with two-storey family houses. This group of five houses gives you some idea of what they were like. Numbers 146 to 150 have large windows with bars that date from 1873, and number 152, with Catalan Art Nouveau decoration, is later, from 1910.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Small houses

C Verdi, 144*152
la Vila de Gràcia

Timetable and prices


Al final del segle XIX, Gràcia creixia amb torretes familiars de planta baixa i un pis.

Aquest conjunt de cinc torres permet fer-nos una idea de com eren. Les dels números 146 al 150 presenten grans finestrals enreixats que daten del 1873 i la del número 152, amb decoració modernista, és posterior, del 1910

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