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Born Centre Cultural
Download date: 21/03/2025

The old Born Market building today houses the Born Cultural Centre, which contains the valuable archaeological remains found there in 2001.
Cultural heritage
History under your feet
The Born opened in 1876 as a municipal market and was one of the first buildings in Barcelona built with an exposed iron framework, following the European trend at the time. Little did anyone suspect then that underneath the new construction there lay hidden an archaeological site of great historical significance for the city.
Taking his inspiration from Les Halles in Paris, the architect Josep Fontserè designed a tall, open, functional space, which stood out for its metal structure, central dome and glazed-tile roof. In 1921 it became the central wholesale market, which operated until 1971 and was restored in 1977, although it was no longer in use.
The lost city
At the end of 2001, while work was being carried out on the site to house the Provincial Library, the remains of houses that had formed part of the Ribera neighbourhood came to light. Following that discovery, the alteration work was suspended and, four years later, the Catalan government declared it to be a Cultural Asset of National Interest.
Even though the site discovered at the Born represents less than 10% of ground zero, its excellent state of preservation has made it possible to recreate the life in Barcelona in 1700. Sixty dwellings have been identified, as well as streets, wells, sewers and other infrastructure. And the large number of items that have been recovered, including kitchen utensils, pieces of glass and porcelain, work tools, weapons and so on, mean it is now possible to faithfully reconstruct the everyday life of Barcelona’s populace in the 17th and early 18th centuries.
The Born Cultural Centre was opened in 2013 and, as well as the archaeological site, it is a venue for exhibitions, displays, talks, concerts, shows and other events.
Beyond its doors is one of most dynamic and picturesque neighbourhoods in Barcelona. People who have lived there all their lives rub shoulders with travellers passing through, hundred-year-old shops with restaurants offering contemporary cuisine, and medieval mansions with design studios. So the archaeological site shares the neighbourhood with the new trends that characterise it today.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Born Centre Cultural
- Address:
- Plaça Comercial, 12
- Districte:
- Ciutat Vella
- Neighborhood:
- Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 93 256 68 50 (dilluns a divendres, de 9.00 a 15.00 h)
- 932566850 ((de dl. a dv. de 9.30 a 19 h))
- Links
- Web:
- Web:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Period | Dies | Hores | Preus |
de l'1 de març al 31 d'octubre |
De dimarts a diumenge i festius |
de 10:00 h a 20:00 h | Entrada Gratuïta |
La Nit dels Museus 2025: 17 de maig |
de 19.00 h a 01.00 h | ||
de l'1 de novembre al 28 de febrer |
De dimarts a dissabtes | de 10:00 h a 19:00 h | |
Diumenges i festius excepte 25 de desembre 26 de desembre 1 de gener |
de 10:00 h a 20:00 h | ||
26 de desembre | de 10:00 h a 14:30 h |
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Visites comentades 'El Born. Visita exprés. Dones al 1700'
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Cicle de concerts 'Sons d'educació al Born'
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Visita dinamitzada 'El Born. Un passeig en família pel 1700'
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Taller 'El Born. Una ciutat a mida'
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Itinerari 'El Born. Veus silenciades. Les dones del 1700'
When: From 09/03/2025 to 04/05/2025
Taller 'El Born. El camí de l'aigua: Taller de rondallaires'
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Itinerari 'El Born. Façanes que parlen de ciutat'
When: From 13/04/2025 to 11/05/2025
Presentació del llibre 'Barcelona. Retrat d’una ciutat'
When: 26/03/2025
Taller 'El Born. Enigma a la cort del veguer'
When: From 25/01/2025 to 19/04/2025
Taller 'El Born. Arqueòlegs al Born'
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Itinerari 'El Born. Barcelona en temps de pesta'
When: From 19/01/2025 to 25/05/2025
Debat 'Pràctiques educatives democratitzadores'
When: 03/04/2025
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Itinerari 'El Born. Rec Comtal. Com l’aigua dibuixa la ciutat'
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When: From 04/05/2025 to 25/05/2025
V cicle de debats “En Clau d'Educació: Educació o barbàrie"
When: From 20/02/2025 to 10/04/2025
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When: From 04/04/2025 to 05/04/2025
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