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El Farró along Carrer Saragossa

Download date: 07/03/2025


The neighbourhood's historical centre is in Pl de Mañé i Flaquer and the streets around the square. This is a quiet, friendly area with low houses.

  • Urban spaces

Once you cross the Ronda General Mitre, you can leave the mountain behind you and head down to the Plain of Barcelona. The calm of El Putxet gives way to El Farró, more working class than its neighbour. Carrer Saragossa is the backbone of this neighbourhood. The other streets and squares branch off it, like Carrer Pàdua, Septimània and Francolí, and Plaça Mañé i Flaquer, down Carrer dels Santjoanistes. The centuries-old façades that line these streets are tastefully decorated. Number 112 on Carrer Saragossa has a floral motif, while the house on the corner of Carrer Septimània has flowing plaster decorations over the windows and railings of forged iron. A little further down, number 109 is slightly more robust. The date over the door tells us that this is one of the oldest houses on the street.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

El Farró along Carrer Saragossa

C Saragossa, 1*169
Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
el Putxet i el Farró


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