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Hangar, Visual Arts Research and Production Centre
Download date: 07/03/2025

Hangar, the Visual Arts Research and Production Centre, was set up in the old Can Ricart factory to support the city's visual artists.
Study and research centres
A public centre
Given the lack of places for artistic production, Hangar was set up in 1997 to provide artists and creators with a place where they could work and share their knowledge. The centre also offers advice, hires out video and photographic equipment and studios, and invites artists to apply for grants and residencies. Hangar is run by the Visual Artists of Catalonia Association (AAVC). It is financed by public and private subsidies from bodies such as Barcelona City Council, the Catalan Government and Banc de Sabadell.
Our heritage
Hangar is housed in the Can Ricart industrial complex, declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN) and currently municipally owned. The factory building dates from the middle of the 19th century and was built as a textile mill producing printed fabrics. Notable features include the chimney stacks, the clock tower and the sober style the architect Josep Oriol i Bernadet gave to the whole site.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Hangar, Visual Arts Research and Production Centre
- Address:
- C Emília Coranty, 8*16
- Districte:
- Sant Martí
- Neighborhood:
- Provençals del Poblenou
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 933084041 (Tel.)
- 933071211 (Fax)
- Links
- Web:
- Web:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Des d'aquest espai alternatiu es vol donar suport a noves generacions d'artistes, oferint-los tecnologies, espais de reflexió i intercanvis internacionals. Hangar és una iniciativa de l'Associació d'Artistes Visuals de Catalunya.
Discover other related points of interest
C Emília Coranty 33*37
Rambla del Poblenou 154-156
Carrer de Pere IV 345