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The old Institut Frenopàtic

Download date: 07/03/2025


This pioneering centre is a mere relic today. In contrast to the accepted wisdom of the time, its founder, Tomàs Dolsa believed it was possible to treat mental illness.

  • Urban spaces

In 1863, the psychiatrist Tomàs Dolsa and his son-in-law founded a private institution to look after the mentally ill, opening the Institut Frenopàtic de les Corts in1873, at a key time for reviewing the treatments for the mentally ill. Although they started their work in Gràcia, the directors of the Institut Frenopàtic soon moved to Les Corts, as this moderately populated village offered unbeatable conditions owing to its good climate and abundant water. Patients were separated according to gender and their family’s economic capacity. This centre was the first important institution opened in Les Corts, remaining operational until 2000. Dexeus University Institut bought its facilities and the centre opened in 2007. The metal sculpture ‘Boogie – Woogie’ (2008) by Antoni Roselló now stands in its present gardens.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

The old Institut Frenopàtic

C Mejía Lequerica, 55
Les Corts
la Maternitat i Sant Ramon


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