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Plaça d’en Joanic

Download date: 19/12/2024


Pl d’en Joanic, one of the few squares that conserve the brownish look of sand, is named after Esteve Joanich, the owners’ grandson who took charge of developing it.

  • Urban spaces

You will see all kinds of buildings around the square, from simple two-storey structures on the south side, which gradually gain in height and decorative elegance, to the tall ones of the second half of the 20th century, opposite them, on the north side. Notice the façade with striking sgraffiti depicting the painters Rivera and Murillo and the conquistadores Columbus and Cortés.
The square was filled with travelling salesmen’s huts in 1888, where they spent their free time in the afternoons. It was only in 1930, with the demolition of the wall of Can Comte, that the square had breathing space and the new Avinguda de Pi i Margall was constructed. From that point on, the square became an important public transport hub, first with buses and then the metro .

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Plaça d’en Joanic

Pl Joanic, 0
la Vila de Gràcia

Timetable and prices


Al voltant de la plaça trobem des de les senzilles cases de planta baixa i un pis a banda de mar, que van guanyant alçada i prestància decorativa, fins als gratacels de la segona meitat del segle, tot just al davant, a banda muntanya. Hi destaca la façana amb vistosos esgrafiats que representen els pintors Rivera i Murillo, i els conqueridors Colom i Cortés.

El 1888, la plaça havia acollit les barraques dels venedors ambulants destinades a l'esbarjo a les tardes. Va ser el 1930 quan, amb l'enderroc del mur de Can Comte, la plaça va començar a respirar i es va obrir a la nova avinguda de Pi i Margall. D'aleshores ençà, primer els busos i després el metro, la plaça es va convertir en un nucli de transports important.

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