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Finca Güell's Southern Gate

Download date: 20/02/2025


The faculties in the Zona Universitària show some of the remains of Gaudí’s work on the old Güell Estate, such as this gateway decorated with coloured tiles.

  • Cultural heritage

The vast Finca Güell had three entrance gates designed by Antoni Gaudí. The Southern gate (C/ Martí and Franquès, 2) is less visible than the others; it is located in a garden between the faculties of Biology and Geology and the Institute for Earth Sciences. It is built with red bricks, with small white and green ceramic tiles forming a chequered pattern. Two lateral battlemented walls of unequal height supported a metal grille gate, which can be seen in Casa Museu Gaudí in Parc Güell. This small Catalan Art Nouveau work is no longer in the exact place it was built on. One of the walls bears the number 1957, the date when it was moved to its present location. It was refurbished in 1982.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Finca Güell's Southern Gate

C Lluís Solé i Sabarís, 1*9
Les Corts
la Maternitat i Sant Ramon

Timetable and prices


La porta Sud, un portal de dimensions més grans que la porta Est, comunicava la finca del Palau de Pedralbes amb la seva antiga sortida cap al poble de les Corts. Està construïda amb maó vermell amb un escacat de petites rajoles de ceràmica que combinen el blanc i el verd. Dos murs laterals coberts amb merlets d'alçada desigual feien de suport a una reixa metàl·lica que es pot observar a la Casa Museu Gaudí del Parc Güell.

Al 1957 es va traslladar a l'espai que ara ocupa, presidint una àrea de descans per als estudiants de les facultats de Biologia i de Geologia. L'espai resulta d'un accés curiós, però trobar-lo, mereix la pena.

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