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Mercat d’Horta
Download date: 07/03/2025

A partir del dia 28 de novembre de 2023, el mercat es trasllada per obres a la nova ubicació del carrer Lisboa, 34.
Traditional, like the neighbourhood, Horta Market is part of a busy shopping hub that attracts people from all over Barcelona.
Going shopping
- Accessibility
- Accessible for people with physical disabilities
Retail culture
The retail trade in Horta, as in other parts of the city, is fully integrated into the social and cultural life of the neighbourhood. Proof of this is the iconic market, which everyday supplies homes in nearby neighbourhoods as well as others further afield.
Horta Market was inaugurated in 1951, when a covered building was constructed to house it on Carrer del Tajo, where it still stands today. Despite that, the market’s commercial origins in the neighbourhood go back much further, because there were some small stalls in the nearby Plaça d’Eivissa, then known as Market Square, in 1886.
Old values maintained
The stalls with a family tradition still maintain and value the personal treatment, and that is one of the more noticeable things about Horta Market, along with its quality handmade produce.
As a fresh food market, it sells meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, dairy produce and so on. But there are also bars where you can have breakfast, and stalls where you can buy other things such as clothes, shoes and lots more. The wide range of products is available to locals and everyone else in Barcelona, because tradition and the market’s good location mean people come here from all over. What’s more, as a member of the Cor d’Horta i Mercat Federation, the market forms part of a very active shopping hub.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Mercat d’Horta
- Address:
- Carrer de Lisboa, 34 - 46
- Districte:
- Horta-Guinardó
- Neighborhood:
- Horta
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 934204858 (Home service)
- 934132339 (Tel.)
- Links
- Web:
- Web:
- Web:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Dies | Hores | ||
Dilluns, dimecres i dijous excepte 23 desembre | de 07:30 h a 14:00 h | ||
Dimarts, Divendres i 23 desembre |
de 07.30 h a 20.00 h | ||
Dissabte | de 07:30 h a 15:00 h | ||
22 desembre | de 08.00 h a 15.00 h |
Concurs "Caça Gamusins"
When: 15/03/2025
Inaugurat el 1951, la seva estructura i organització s'adiu amb els mercats construïts en aquesta època -anys 50- en el cor d'un barri que augmentava la seva població gradualment.
Oferta comercial
Aviram, caça i ous, carnisseria i menuts, cansaladeria i embotits, fruita i verdura, peix fresc i marisc, pesca salada i conserves, congelats, plats cuinats i precuinats, llegums i cereals, herboristeria i dietètica, queviures i bar.
Serveis addicionals
· Aparcament gratuït amb tiquet de compra
·Targeta client·Servei de venda online i a domicili
· Wi-Fi
· Punt d'informació
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