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Submarine on the Ronda de Dalt

Download date: 07/03/2025


The unique SA-51 submarine that adorns the Ronda de Dalt was a gift from the Ministry of Defence to the Barcelona Science Museum , now CosmoCaixa, in 1986.

  • Cultural heritage

SA-51, also known as assault submarine 51, came to Barcelona as part of an exhibition on submarines held here in 1986. This tiburón class submarine was built in Cartagena, Spain by the Bazán company. Engineers gave it a complex hydrodynamic shape visible at the stern, intended to enable rapid submersion and improved steering. For all its sophisticated military engineering, it never saw combat.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Submarine on the Ronda de Dalt

C Isaac Newton, 28
Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Sant Gervasi - la Bonanova

Timetable and prices


Conegut popularment amb el nom de Tauró, el submarí provenia de l'armada, i va ser cedit pel Ministerio de Defensa al 1986. Tot i que durant una època se'l va poder visitar, actualment es troba a l'exterior del Cosmocaixa, al costat de la ronda de Dalt.

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