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La plaça de la Sedeta
Download date: 21/01/2025
Plaça de la Sedeta owes its name to the former Pujol i Casacuberta textile factory that has been converted into one of the most active civic centres in the Gràcia neighbourhood.
Urban spaces
- Accessibility
- Accessible for people with physical disabilities
Industry and popular struggle
As a clear symbol of the community and popular spirit which has always been characteristic of the neighbourhood of Gràcia, Plaça de la Sedeta houses the civic centre of the same name which has been organising most of the cultural life of the area since 1984, with workshops, courses, concerts, etc.
In historical terms, the industrial brick building occupying 7,000 square metres that now houses the civic centre was formerly a textile factory that was officially called Pujol i Casacuberta, even though it was known locally as La Sedeta, a name which was later given to the square that housed it.
An emblematic civic centre
Framed within a spirit of the struggle for rights, the square was always linked to this factory, and during the tram strike in 1951 it was the first to stop production. In 1978, the square also bore witness to an intense local residents’ campaign to save the factory building, which was to be demolished to make way for flats. Eventually the City Council bought it and it was destined for public use.
It is worth paying a visit to the centre of Camp d’en Grassot, which is filled with local residents and young people taking part in the civic centre activities, and discovering one of the most interesting squares in Barcelona in historical terms.
Location and contact
Location and contact
La plaça de la Sedeta
- Address:
- Carrer de Sicília, 321
- Districte:
- Gràcia
- Neighborhood:
- el Camp d'en Grassot i Gràcia Nova
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 934591228 (Tel.)
- 932073703 (Tel.)
- Links
- Web:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Period | Dies | Hores | |
Del 22 setembre al 30 juny | De dilluns a divendres excepte 24 desembre i 31 desembre |
de 09.00 h a 22.00 h | |
24 desembre i 31 desembre |
de 09.00 h a 17.00 h | ||
Dissabte Tancat 7 desembre |
de 10.00 h a 14.00 h i de 16.00 h a 21.00 h |
Estiu 2024 De l'1 juliol al 31 juliol |
De dilluns a divendres excepte dimecres 31 juliol |
de 09.00 h a 22.00 h | |
Dimecres 31 juliol |
de 09.00 h a 16.30 h | ||
Dissabte Tancat 7 desembre |
de 10.00 h a 14.00 h | ||
Estiu 2024: De l'1 agost al 31 agost |
Tots els dies tancat | Tancat |
De l'1 setembre al 21 setembre | De dilluns a divendres | de 09.00 h a 22.00 h | |
Dissabte Tancat 7 desembre |
de 10.00 h a 14.00 h |
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When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Tai-Txí'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
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When: From 29/01/2025 to 02/04/2025
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When: From 29/01/2025 to 02/04/2025
Taller 'Italià per a principiants'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
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When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
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Taller 'Country'
When: From 29/01/2025 to 02/04/2025
Taller 'Fit boxing'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
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When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Barcelona Districte Cultural - Cicle 'Pantalla': Dates
When: From 17/10/2024 to 29/03/2025
Taller 'Gimnàstica abdominal hipopressiva'
When: From 27/01/2024 to 31/03/2025
Taller 'Escultura Ceràmica'
When: From 03/02/2025 to 17/03/2025
Taller 'Ceràmica domèstica creativa'
When: From 03/10/2025 to 14/11/2025
Taller 'Ioguilates'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Dibuix amb sanguina' *NOU*
When: From 24/03/2024 to 07/04/2025
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When: From 27/01/2025 to 03/03/2025
Projecció "Mama és pura pluja"
When: 29/01/2025
Taller 'Cant coral'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Anglès per a principiants'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Balls de saló'
When: From 24/01/2025 to 28/03/2025
Bluegrass Camp
When: From 21/03/2025 to 22/03/2025
Taller 'Dancehall'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Marxa nòrdica'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Dansa fit'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Balls en línia'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Dibuix i pintura'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Art vegetal: decoració de parets' *NOU*
When: From 17/03/2025 to 31/03/2025
Concert a l'Auditori
When: From 02/02/2025 to 22/02/2025
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When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Cuina per convidar'
When: From 21/01/2025 to 04/03/2025
Taller "Ceràmica: Tècniques Japoneses"
When: From 25/01/2024 to 15/03/2025
Taller 'Cuines del món: causa limeña' *NOU*
When: 22/02/2025
Taller 'Iniciació al món virtual'
When: From 27/01/2025 to 10/03/2025
Taller 'Anglès, un pas més'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Estiraments, alineació i tonificació'
When: From 27/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
Concert "Duo Tintineo"
When: 12/02/2025
Taller 'Inicia’t a les xarxes socials' *NOU*
When: From 24/03/2025 to 07/04/2025
Taller 'Dibuix i retrat amb model al natural'
When: From 25/01/2025 to 15/03/2025
Concert "Streptococos"
When: 31/01/2025
Taller 'Claus per escriure la novel•la criminal' *NOU*
When: From 27/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
Xerrada 'La dona artistica'
When: 12/03/2025
Taller 'Guitarra per a principiants'
When: From 29/01/2025 to 02/04/2025
Taller 'Cuina japonesa d'hivern' *NOU
When: From 30/01/2025 to 06/03/2025
Taller 'Anem al teatre'
When: From 24/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Joc teatral'
When: From 29/01/2025 to 02/04/2025
Taller 'Iniciació a la interpretació teatral'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Anàlisi cinematogràfica'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Parlem anglès'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Feldenkrais'
When: From 27/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
Concert 'Júlia Cruz'
When: 21/02/2025
Teatre "Perla"
When: 07/02/2025
Xerrada 'Grassonada feminista'
When: 14/03/2025
Taller 'Aquarel·la' *NOU*
When: From 27/01/2025 to 10/03/2025
Exposició "Subtil. Egipte en sèpia"
When: From 13/01/2025 to 04/02/2025
Taller 'Conversa en Francès'
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Anglès des de 0' *NOU*
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Espectacle infantil 'Contacontes per la diversitat'
When: 28/01/2025
Taller Sumi-e.pintura japonesa' *NOU*
When: From 31/01/2025 to 21/03/2025
Taller 'Descobrint l’enso, el cercle zen' *NOU*
When: 08/02/2025
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When: From 12/02/2025 to 05/03/2025
Concert "L’arannà"
When: 28/03/2025
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When: From 05/02/2025 to 19/03/2025
Taller 'Passejades històriques'
When: From 04/02/2025 to 18/03/2025
Espectacle "Xarim Aresté"
When: 07/03/2025
Taller 'Joies del patrimoni de la humanitat de la Unesco'
When: From 24/02/2025 to 24/03/2025
Taller ' L’evolució de la vida: del big-bang a l’aparició de l’humanitat' *NOU*
When: From 27/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
Taller 'Dolços japonesos' *NOU*
When: From 20/03/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Hipopilates' *NOU
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Txi-Kung'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Espectacle "Pop"'
When: 14/02/2025
Espectacle "Jo porn, tu porno"
When: 09/04/2025
Teatre de barri 'El crèdit'
When: 15/03/2025
Taller 'Dones absents: Lletraferides i pensadores al llarg de l'història' *NOU
When: From 28/01/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Solo blues' *NOU*
When: From 24/01/2025 to 04/04/2025
Taller 'Pans del món' *NOU*
When: From 25/03/2025 to 01/04/2025
Taller 'Cuines del món: Rfissa' *NOU*
When: From 01/03/2024 to 01/03/2025
Taller "English book club" *NOU'
When: From 29/01/2025 to 02/04/2025
Taller 'Italià un pas més'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Concert "Dj Dafne i Paquita"
When: 14/02/2025
Concert "Duo Tournesol"
When: 18/03/2025
Teatre de barri 'Escolta, mira i mata'
When: From 31/01/2025 to 01/02/2025
Teatre de barri 'Després de la pluja'
When: From 11/04/2025 to 12/04/2025
Teatre de barri 'Hotel Can Calfred'
When: 05/04/2025
Exposició 'Wikkaritama'
When: From 10/02/2025 to 13/03/2025
Documental "We exist"
When: 11/02/2025
Projecció "Perdut i trobat"
When: 19/02/2025
Xerrada 'Colesterol i risc cardiovascular'
When: 22/01/2025
Espectacle 'Dones absents: Artisties obligades'
When: 12/03/2025
Projecció "Sala de professores"
When: 26/02/2025
Joc familiar 'Cursa d’orientació feminista'
When: 14/03/2025
Cicle 'Visites a centres de culte'
When: 21/02/2025
Projecció "Utama"
When: 12/03/2025
Exposició "Llum i ombres. Rates i neons"
When: 17/03/2025
Xerrada 'Els pactes successoris i altres figures jurídiques'
When: 12/02/2025
Concert "Sedeta Gospel Singers"
When: 05/03/2025
Projecció "Dúnia i l'eco del tambor"
When: 19/03/2025
Taller 'Canta'
When: From 23/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Creació de pòdcast'
When: From 30/01/2025 to 03/04/2025
Taller 'Cuines del món: Enchiladas' *NOU*
When: 15/03/2025
Taller 'Yin Yoga'
When: From 27/01/2025 to 31/03/2025
Concert "Efecte Bandwagon"
When: 04/04/2025
Projecció "Alis"
When: 22/01/2025
Projecció "As Bestas"
When: 05/02/2025
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Pg Sant Joan 0198
Pg Sant Joan 152
Pg Sant Joan 210