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Casa d’Eduardo Conde-Casal de Sarrià
Download date: 21/01/2025
Vil·la Cecília, the former home of businessman Eduardo Conde, is now the Casal de Sarrià, a social facility surrounded by well-kept gardens open to the general public.
Free time and leisure
A park and a casal
In 1969, Barcelona City Council expropriated Vil·la Cecília’s land and turned it into a park. Part of today’s green area belonged to the gardens of Vil·la Amèlia, the next-door property. And the renovated house was inaugurated as the Casal de Sarrià in 1984. The building houses the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi District’s Municipal Archive, which consists of around 7,000 cases of documents and 1,500 photographs.
The inventor of el siglo
Eduardo Conde Jiménez (Madrid 1840-Sarrià 1914) was the builder and owner of El Siglo, a well-known department store that occupied a seven-storey building at Nº 5 Rambla dels Estudis. The store burnt down on Christmas Day 1932, and in 1933 it moved to another establishment at Nº 54 Carrer de Pelai, which finally closed down in 1984.
Location and contact
Location and contact
Casa d’Eduardo Conde-Casal de Sarrià
- Address:
- Carrer d'Eduardo Conde, 22*42
- Districte:
- Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
- Neighborhood:
- Sarrià
- City:
- Barcelona
- Phone number
- 932562720 (Tel.)
- Links
- Web:
- Email:
Timetable and prices
Period | Dies | Hores | |
De l'1 setembre al 31 juliol | De dilluns a divendres excepte 24 desembre i 31 desembre | de 09.00 h a 21.00 h | |
24 desembre i 31 desembre |
de 09.00 h a 16.00 h | ||
Dissabte | de 10.00 h a 21.00 h | ||
Estiu 2024 De l'1 agost a l'1 setembre |
Tots els dies | Tancat |
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