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Institut Municipal Fundació Mies van der Rohe

Download date: 07/03/2025


International symbol of rationalist architecture, the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, situated in Montjuïc Park, is one of the gems of architectural design in Barcelona.

  • Cultural heritage

An architectural landmark

Also known as the Pavelló Alemany (German Pavilion), the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion,hidden away in a corner of Montjuic Park,is a world famous construction and architectural landmark from the early avant-garde period of the 1920s. The architect Mies van der Rohe, who was also director of the Bauhaus, designed this building to represent Germany in the Barcelona International Exposition of 1929. Known as the father of modern architecture, Van der Rohe incorporated in the design of this building the basis of his philosophy: perfect symmetry, translucent spaces, clarity, simplicity and minimalism. This is how he wanted to represent the Germany of the Weimar Republic following the First World War, and this building was intended to be a symbol of all these elements.

Faithful design

The pavilion was removed in 1930 and in 1989 it was decided to reconstruct it due to the importance of its design as a piece of modern architecture.The four different types of marble originally used, Roman travertine, green marble from the Alps, ancient green marble from Greece and golden onyx from the Atlas Mountains, were also used in the reconstruction, along with the sculpture of George Kolbe strategically located next to the pond, playing with the light and reflections of the water. Currently home to a Foundation, the building is open to the public and is mainly dedicated to disseminating the work of the architect and to promoting the debate on architecture and modern and contemporary art.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Institut Municipal Fundació Mies van der Rohe

Avinguda de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 7
el Poble-sec

Timetable and prices





Construït per a l'Exposició Universal de Barcelona de 1929, un cop acabada la mostra es va desmuntar. Posteriorment, l'any 1983, va ser reconstruït en el mateix emplaçament seguint el projecte original de l'arquitecte Ludwig Mies van der Rohe i es va inaugurar l'any 1986.

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