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Torre de les Aigües

Download date: 09/12/2024


The Torre de les Aigües is a beautiful walled tower 130 years old that has always marked the face of Sant Martí.

  • Cultural heritage

Unique barcelona heritage

The Torre de les Aigües del Besòs was a water tower built between 1880 and 1882 to supply the city with drinking water. The Barcelona industrialist Xavier Camps, working with the Sant Martí de Provençals municipal architect Pere Falqués, was behind it and the complex was erected very near the mouth of the Besòs to draw and pump water from the right side of the river bed. But the project did not last very long because the water became salty. Despite that, the complex was used for a century to produce water for industry. It was fully operational until 1992.

Iconic poblenou vantage point

The renovation that got underway in 2010 and allowed this emblematic construction to be restored was ambitious and meticulous. It was restored brick by brick and both the tower’s stairs, 50 meters high, and the bannisters were faithfully restored. Today it has been turned into a privileged vantage point in the heart of Sant Martí that is open to the public.

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Location and contact

Location and contact

Torre de les Aigües

Plaça de Ramon Calsina, 1*4
Sant Martí
Diagonal Mar i el Front Marítim del Poblenou

Timetable and prices




La Torre de les Aigües del Besòs es la seu de l'Arxiu Històric del Poblenou, una associació de voluntàries i voluntaris, que es dedica a la recerca, arxiu i la difusió de dades i documents (textos i imatges) sobre els barris del Poblenou.

Edificada al barri del Poblenou al 1882 per l'arquitecte modernista Pere Falqués és una peça patrimonial de primer ordre:

  • Explica l'aventura empresarial de porta l'aigua de boca a una Barcelona en plena expansió.
  • És una potent arquitectura, amb una forma constructiva típica del moment, el maó vist i la volta catalana, crea uns espais insòlits d'una gran força expressiva.
  • Interpreta el passat industrial del Poblenou.
  • Des del seu elevant mirador s'observen els canvis de la Barcelona postolímpica i es gaudeix d'una visió totalment nova de la ciutat i el seu entorn.

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