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Casa Eloy Detouche
Download date: 20/02/2025

Casa Eloy Detouche is a family house between party walls that dates front the early 20th century. A two-storey house that stands out for its careful decoration.
Cultural heritage
This façade of 1909 by Josep Masdéu Puigdemasa is a good example of Catalan Art Nouveau with an elaborate crowning feature, mouldings around the window openings, a balcony with bulging wrought-iron railings and sgraffiti.
Its owner, Eloy Detouche, was a leader of the employers’ organisation and a key man in the National Ministry of Public Works in 1918 and 1919. As editor of the magazine Iberia (a weekly publication about the First World War with reports about the Catalan volunteers), he took it upon himself to disseminate liberal and republican Catalanism.

Location and contact
Location and contact
Casa Eloy Detouche
- Address:
- C Pare Laínez, 17
- Districte:
- Gràcia
- Neighborhood:
- el Camp d'en Grassot i Gràcia Nova
- City:
- Barcelona
Timetable and prices
Edifici unifamiliar entre mitgeres, de planta i pis, de l'any 1909. La façana mostra un bon repertori d'elements modernistes, com el coronament abarrocat, l'ornamentació dels respiralls, el motlluratge dels marcs de les obertures, el balcó de llosana sinuosa, els detalls de forja de la reixa o els esgrafiats del parament cec.
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